The Journal

Thoughts, downloads, dialogues, & discussions on nature, intuition, cycles, creativity, and transformation.

Libra New Moon : Lightness into Dark

Libra New Moon : Lightness into Dark October is a special month: the summer is officially over, the veils are thinner. The magic of Samhain and Halloween at the end of this make us think...

Supermoon Lunar Eclipse in Aries

Supermoon Lunar Eclipse in Aries Here we are, a couple of days away from a rare and exciting astrological event: the full moon in Aries, which happens to be a Lunar Eclipse, a "Blood moon",...

New Moon in Virgo : Solar Eclipse Edition

If you were in Africa, Antarctica, or floating in the Indian Ocean last night, maybe you saw the new moon solar eclipse. For the rest of us, it wasn't visible, but maybe you felt it...

Boundary Talk : Part 1

Boundary Talk: Cord cutting and Raising Energy I've wanted to talk about energetic and personal boundaries for ages now. Another touchy and easily misinterpreted B-word, boundaries are an imperative for any woman-identified human, most especially...

Supermoon in Pisces: Stardust and Structures

"Give me, oh earth, pure unminglingclay for the jug of tears;my essence, pour forth the weepingwhich is lost in you here.In the well-made vessel,that restraint dissolves itself.Only the nowhere is evil,all being suits itself."-Rainer Maria...

Waxing Moon Magic: August

Dear human, Do you feel the energy happening around you right now? Of hope, healing, confidence, and  just getting stuff done in general? We've just moved into Virgo season: the exacting, precise, workhorse of the...

Forgiveness and the Waning Moon

Waning Moon Magic: Forgiveness We are officially in the waning moon period of this month, a time for letting go, clearing things out, tying up loose ends, organization and/or reorganization. During this particular month's waning...

Practical Magic for the New Moon : 1

Practical Magic for the New Moon It never fails—during and after a new moon, I often hear people talking about about feeling tired, overly emotional, irritable, and generally out of sorts. Why is that, when...

Waning Moon Magic

As I write this, we are just past the last quarter phase of this July moon, heading into what is officially known to farmers, weatherpeople, witches, and astronauts alike as the waning moon phase. This...